Let’s do a combination of two themes. On day 43 I made a list of guilty pleasures and mentioned that I would do a ‘Dutch only’ list at some time. Well, since today is International Mother Language Day, this sounds a decent opportunity to provide you with a guilty pleasure list in my mother language.
10. Brainpower – Dansplaat
9. Andre Hazes Jr – Leef
8. Toontje Lager – Stiekem gedanst
7. Andre Hazes – Wat is dan liefde
6. Jeroen van der Boom – Jij bent zo
5. Spookrijders – Klokkenluiders
4. The Opposites ft Gers & Sef – Broodje bakpao
3. Rene Schuurmans – Laat de zon in je hart
2. John de Bever – Jij krijgt die lach niet van mijn gezicht