Star Wars Day is an unofficial holiday that celebrates the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. It is observed on May 4th every year and is sometimes also called “May the Fourth Be With You,” a play on the famous Star Wars phrase “May the Force be with you.”
The holiday first originated in 2011 when the Toronto Underground Cinema in Canada held a Star Wars movie marathon on May 4th, and the phrase “May the Fourth Be With You” was used to promote the event. Since then, it has become a popular annual celebration for fans of the franchise around the world, with various events and promotions taking place, such as movie screenings, cosplay contests, and sales on Star Wars merchandise.
The first time I picked up Star Wars Day was due to an episode of the Big Bang Theory. Over the years they have had several referrals to Star Wars and their characters. Since I’m both a fan of Star Wars and The Big Bang Theory, I’ll combine the two with 10 SW references in the Big Bang Theory. Enjoy, and May the 4th be with you!