Day 279: National Older Persons Day

It seems like I missed International Older Persons Day on October 1st. Well today it is National Older Persons Day. Perhaps it’s a bit of an overkill, but well, it’s indeed an important topic.

During National Older Persons Day, the intention is to take a senior somewhere. For example, to the beach or just for a walk around. This way, these people receive some attention and can enjoy the fresh air. It’s important that the elderly themselves get to choose what they want to do.

Well, the most important elder people in my life already took themselves to the beach since they are on holiday in Greece. Well deserved and while they still can they should enjoy it to the max.

So let’s make a list of other elder people. And compared to the ones in this list my parents are still young. For todays list I’m having a look at some elder favorites in showbiss land. Some of them are still active, some did retire. Most important criterium is that they are still alive.

1. David Attenborough (8 May 1926)

2. Gene Hackman (30 January 1930)

3. Clint Eastwood (31 May 1930)

4. Robert Duvall (5 januari 1931)

5. James Earl Jones (17 januari 1931)

6. Sophia Loren (20 September 1934)

7. Donald Sutherland (17 juli 1935)

8. Alan Alda (28 januari 1936)

9. Robert Redford (18 August 1936)

10. Morgan Freeman (1 juni 1937)